As you probably know, IELTS is a tricky exam. Most candidates find the Speaking and Writing parts particularly hard, quite often missing the coveted CLB 9 mark by only 0.5 band point. It’s also very common to have a score of 6.5 in Writing Skills, whereas the score for the other three skills matches or exceeds CLB 9.
The good news is that we can definitely help you prepare for the IELTS exam so you can get the best possible results! We’ve teamed up with highly experienced and qualified native English teachers and IELTS experts, and you can now have high-quality intensive IELTS preparation lessons online, from the comfort of your home.
Don’t waste any time, enroll for live online IELTS preparation lessons and learn how the exam works, what the examiners are looking for, and get plenty of practice using the types of questions you see in the exam. All our online teachers are CELTA qualified, and most of them are also Cambridge and IELTS examiners.
What to expect from your live online IELTS Preparation lessons
Fill out a Booking Form, choose how many lessons you’d like to have and their duration, and receive an additional Demo lesson absolutely free!
When we receive your booking form, we’ll get in touch to confirm a convenient time for your lessons and provide you with a Zoom weblink. You can access your live classes from any PC, tablet or smartphone.
Your lessons will be delivered by a native English teacher and IELTS expert, who will assess your level and tell you everything you need to know about the right techniques and strategies required in order to maximize your score and give you top tips for achieving a high band in each section of the exam. Your lessons will be tailor-made to your specific needs, and your English teacher will provide you with all the necessary materials, as well as homework exercises.

What you’ll learn in your online IELTS Preparation lessons
Reading Skills:
Recognise the different types of questions asked in IELTS tests
Predict the main ideas from titles and visual aids
Use skimming and scanning to identify gist and details
Identify and summarise the main ideas in various types of texts
Determine the meaning of unknown words from the context
Recognise a writer’s views or claims and their implications
Answer a variety of question types found in IELTS reading tests
Complete a reading test in the allotted time
Writing Skills:
Analyze IELTS questions and respond appropriately
Organize and present information in a coherent way
Use appropriate language and vocabulary for specific tasks
Use a variety of sentence patterns with grammatical accuracy
Summarise the main ideas of various types of texts
Develop an argument and support it in a structured essay
Identify implications and propose solutions
Edit written work
Complete the test tasks within the required time limits
Listening Skills:
Recognize the format and question patterns in an IELTS listening test
Use a variety of techniques to respond appropriately to IELTS listening test questions
Identify the main ideas of an aural text
Identify specific information and roles of speakers
Identify numbers, dates, time, letters, etc. correctly
Understand the implications of information provided in aural texts
Accurately transfer information gathered from listening to written answers within the set time limit
Speaking Skills:
Recognize the different sections and requirements of the IELTS speaking test
Introduce self and converse confidently on a topic, for example, family, hobbies, or work
Give a talk based on a personal topic
Give an opinion and justify it
Speculate about general topics
Answer questions fluently and with clear pronunciation
Use appropriate stress, intonation and speed patterns in their conversation
Use the appropriate vocabulary and grammar to express their ideas
Complete a speaking test within the allotted time
More about IELTS
Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) made it mandatory for immigration candidates in most economic categories to prove their official language proficiency by taking a standardized language test.
IRCC accepts two English tests: The CELPIP, and the IELTS. The IELTS is the test most accessible internationally to candidates and is generally considered the most popular English test for higher education and migration. The IELTS version accepted for immigration to Canada is IELTS General Training (IELTS Academic is NOT accepted by IRCC).
IELTS measures your English Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking skills, and assesses your ability to communicate for work, study or life in an English speaking country. The points candidates receive under immigration scoring schemes are tied directly to their language test results. As a consequence, the performance of the candidate in the language test becomes a crucial component in the quest to meet visa eligibility criteria.
IRCC is matching language test results with corresponding proficiency levels described by the Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) standard. IELTS score bands are matched with the CLB scale. Finally, immigration points under both the FSWP selection grid and the Express Entry Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS), are matched with the CLB scale, and awarded to candidates based on their test results.
Under the current processing rules for professional immigrants to Canada there are two benchmarks with special significance:
CLB 7 - represents the mandatory minimum proficiency level acceptable for the candidate’s first Canadian official language (the language, English or French, in which the candidate claims stronger command).
CLB 9 - represents advanced language skills and a result that is likely to significantly increase the ranking score of an Express Entry candidate, ultimately pushing up the position of their Express Entry profile in the Government of Canada online pool, and increasing the likelihood they will receive an Invitation to Apply for Permanent Residence.